So I feel like I've just had a sheer stroke of genius!
I've been bitten by the crafting bug lately. I don't know why or how. All I know is that I'm itching to get out there and start stocking up on supplies for my evergrowing list of crafts!
I can't help but laugh to myself because not but 9 or so years ago, my brothers and I would sit at my parent's dining room table making fun of my mother for making so many "craps," as we so lovingly referred to her crafts. And now, here I am, wanting to create for my own home! To my mother, I apologize for our relentless ribbing. It was all out of love.
This blog post is just a preface. I have not started yet on this journey. It is an account of things to come. And, as you can see by the title of my blog, I am unimaginative. I have been told, more times than I can count, that I don't have any imagination at all (I like to think though that those people were referring to my disinterest in fantasy movies....). While I may not be able to think up these crafts, I can replicate. And I'm hoping upon all hopes, that as I begin to copy-cat peoples great ideas, that I will be inspired to come up with my own ideas!
I have been scouring others' craft blogs for the past several days. I'm not savvy when it comes to cooking, creating, refinishing or repurposing. However, this does not mean that I am not ready and willing to try! I am so ready!
So here goes nothing. On my blog, you will see photos of my new adventures, which will be copied from others. And of course, I will be inserting links to those peoples blogs, in which they can give you directions for the same craft, recipe, etc.
I can hear you asking yourself what the purpose then is of my blog? Well you see, I'm fairly certain that I would draw inspiration from another woman who claims that she has not a creative strand of hair on her head. If she could do it, then I would think to myself, SO CAN I. So, maybe I'll inspire someone. Myself included.
My husband cooks more than I do. And pretty much the only thing that I've been able to think of to use my beloved Cricut machine for is to make greeting cards and sayings to put on placards. So in short, I'm not the most domestic woman you've ever met.
If you find a craft that you think I might like, send it my way. Or if you know of a better way for me to do something that you see I've done, please let me know! I want lots of ideas!
I'll also be posting links to some of my favorite crafty blogs for your enjoyment.
Here goes nothing!......
How to Set Craft Business Goals
1 day ago
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