This my friends, was a craft of trial and error. One canvas I liked, one, not so much. That being said, the one that I don't like nearly as much, has still made an appearance on the wall in our bathroom. And the one that I did like, is making an appearance on my 7 year old sister in law's wall.
Let me start by saying that the way that these turned out, is not anywhere near how they began. I started by painting them a goldish color that I thought would be really pretty. My husband was convinced that they were orange, not gold. And I did not want a gold canvas hanging on my wall. So, I used some different paint that I had laying around. I painted one black, and one a tan color. I used my Cricut to cut out all of the letters.
We'll start with the canvas that I didn't like.....
I used a quote that my brother shared with us at the beginning of his mission that I just love. I used regular paper cut out the words in order to use as a stencil. Lay your stencil onto the canvas and use paint and a brush to fill it in. I also used tape around the edges to paint a border.

Reasons I don't like it:
I used the same size and type of font for all of the words, yet the g's look like they're smaller. And number two, for some reason, I'm straight line challenged. I just cannot put anything in a straight line!
And the canvas that I love......
I took President Hinckley's 6 Be's and made a canvas for my sister in law. I used a different patterned scrapbook paper for each Be. I cut out each one, in a different size, but same font. Such as:
Be Clean-size 2", purple paper
Be True-4", green paper
I then used just regular glue to glue down the first Be. Then I started the next Be right next to it, I let them all run into eachother and into the next line, for character....
Lastly, I used a few coats of Modpodge to seal the deal. And once it's dry, you get this!......
(Sorry the picture is sideways!)
I have soooo many crafts in the cue and I'm trying to find the time to try my hand at them. I quit my second job so I now have more time on my hands. So expect some heartfelt tries at some craftiness!
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