Tonight, I made this.

I'm trying really hard to use ingredients that I already have in my kitchen, and not buy anything else when I don't have to. And, I didn't do a very good job in planning all of my meals out ahead of time as I would've liked. Not to make excuses but....when hubby goes grocery shopping with me, I always feel rushed! And sometimes he questions what I'm buying! Does anyone else have this issue? Needless to say, I'm going to have to find some way to ditch him for my grocery shopping trips. Somehow though, I ended up with one of those significant others who likes to spend every moment that he can with me since we don't see each other at all during the day. How was I so blessed?=)
Changes that I made.....
I did not include ham. Partly because I do not like ham. (Sam I am). And partly because I had none in my kitchen (probably because I don't like it). I also didn't use mozzarella cheese. And two changes that I made because again, I made due with things that I already had... used garlic powder instead of fresh garlic (gasp!), and I used the pre-bagged brown rice from Trader Joe's, that we had left in the freezer.
I served it with broccoli. I just took the first bite, on my own (because Andrew is on a business call) and I have to say, TASTY! I do believe that this one will be going on my list of quick and easy go to recipes in my permanent book! That is, if I get the hubbies stamp of approval.... we shall see!
Also, I took a container full of last nights cookies to work today. They got two thumbs up from every person that ate them! So, see yesterdays post for a link to the recipe.
Hubby's Rating:
2.8*'s--which is a controversial score. I asked him what I could do differently. He said nothing, I did the best with what I had. And I said, "so then it's a 5*?" And he said no. So in this case, I'm going to say that actions speak louder than words.... he gobbled a huge bowl up! He said 2.8, but I think it's doubles night....we'll call it a 5!
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